Author:Kostas Sp Published On:September 19, 2014 Under:Php
In this post we will try to found out how we can organize our code in php in objects
and understand the fundamentals of object oriented programming.Are you ready?
<?php class Example { // scope: where you can access the variable outside of the class // php4: var // php5: private,public or protected // php6: var interchangable with public var $item ='item_name_1'; public $name; function Sample() { $this ->Test(); } function Test() { echo $this->item; // print variables $regular ="THIS IS A REGULAR VARIABLE2"; echo $regular; } } // instanciate the object here $example = new Example(); $example->Sample(); ?> |
$this applies to the all items in class Example
and means:Inside of Example class call the the Test function
The comments inside the class explain certain things but generally the idea is that
the class example contains 2 functions Sample and Test.
The function Sample calls the function Test so the output comes from the function Test.