Javacript : Immediately invoking function expression

Author:Kostas Sp Published On:September 19, 2014 Under:Javascript


This is an first attemp to understand JAVASCRIPT fundamentals like self executing anonymus function. It is the MODULE PATTERN and we might also see it to some backbone applications


Also known as the self executing anonymus function and often in backbone all the code is wrapped inside a function expression that is self executed when the page loads


The reason we do this is because in Javascript doesn’t support the concept of private and public variables and methods


So to solve this issue Javascript uses closures. Which encapsulates all variables and methods inside a closure.


When you invoke this it creates a context and holds all variables and functions inside of that and it creates privacy


var app = (function($) {
alert("first shorthand function");
(function() {
    var foo = "bar";
}) ();

So if I try to output the variable for foo and see the value it would’t show to me


In order to show this to me I have created a function inside of that anonymus function I created a variable called foo that is equal to bar and then I immediatelly called that function


myFunction = function() {
    var foo = "bar";
    return foo; 


Why pass jQuery jQuery object will be accesible in the backbone application inside this function So I pass the jquery object and I assign it to the $ sign


If you want to test it in the console browser the command is


(function() {
    var foo = $('div');
}) (jQuery);


This leads to Module Pattern which was popularized by Duglas ClockWard I am assigning the return value of this anonymus function to a variable called app


So we wrap entire function inside these parantheses that way it tells that we are NOT assigning the variable app to the function BUT we setting the variable app equal to what is being returned from the function


var app = (function($) {
    var foo = "bar";
    return {
        name: "module pattern",
        set: function (name) {
            foo = name;
        get: function () {
            return foo;
}) (jQuery);


Let’s check some command lines


// undefined because it is private


// module pattern


// bar


// undefined (no return) just sets


// Stackmob


One response to “Javacript : Immediately invoking function expression”

  1. Kerry Dette says:

    Could you explain the Jquery part ?

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